Hello, now we will deal with Passive Voice
This will not be a very large post, as the idea of the passive voice is fairly simple and is dealt as such in Léssat.
First, what is Passive Voice? It is the phenomena where we emphasize the object of the sentence instead of the subject (or vice versa in Ergative Absolutive alignment).
In English, this would be the difference between the normal “The bear ate the deer” and the passive “The deer was eaten by the bear.”
In Léssat, this is done by turning the normally Nominative (subject) word into a Genitive alignment by placing it after the verb.
Normal Voice
The bear ate the deer.
“Lófa quon igopán píksa.”
/def-bear-(nom) obj def-deer-(acc) eat-pst.3s/
Passive Voice
The deer was eaten by the bear.
“Igopán píksa lófa.”
/def-deer-(acc) eat-pst.3s bear-(gen)/
So… yeah… that’s all there is to it. For now!